Title Projekt odvodnje otpadnih i oborinskih voda naselja Ćunski
Title (english) Design of Wastewater and Storm Water Drainage of Ćunski Settlement
Author Teo Miletić
Mentor Barbara Karleuša (mentor)
Committee member Nevenka Ožanić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Bojana Horvat (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Barbara Karleuša (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Civil Engineering (Department of Hydraulic Engineering and Geotechnical Engineering) (Chair of Hydraulic Engineering) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023-09-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Civil Engineering Hydrotechnology
Abstract U ovom radu razrađeno je projektno rješenje izgradnje sustava javne odvodnje sanitarnih i oborinskih voda za naselje Ćunski, koje se nalazi na otoku Lošinju. Projektom je planirana izgradnja razdjelnog kanalizacijskog sustava, odnosno da se oborinske i sanitarne vode odvode putem dva odvojena sustava. Izgradnja kanalizacijske mreže će značajno poboljšati kvalitetu života te značajno utjecati na zaštitu okoliša. Za izradu kanalizacijske mreže korišteni su podaci iz prostorno planske dokumentacije i turističke zajednice Mali Lošinj. U uvodnom dijelu su opisane geografske, klimatske, geološke i hidrogeološke značajke lokacije naselja. Prikazana je prostorno planska dokumentaciju na temelju koje je izrađeno projektno rješenje. Zatim je opisan postojeći i novi sustav odvodnje. Detaljno je opisan cijeli postupak izgradnje, od iskopa rova i ugradnje svih kanalizacijskih objekata na mreži, do njegovog zatrpavanja. Za sve objekte na mreži su opisane njihove značajke i način ugradnje. Za izradu situacijskog prikaza nove kanalizacijske mreže i hidrauličkog proračuna korišten je softver Urbano Canalis 10 koji je razvijen od tvrtke StudioARS d.o.o. Izrađen je statički proračun kolektora, dimenzionirane su crpne stanice i crpni bazeni. Koristeći podatke o iskopu dobivene u „Urbano Canalisu 10“, kao i podatke o materijalu i njegovom transportu napravljen je aproksimativni troškovnik. Na kraju rada se nalaze grafički prilozi kojima su prikazani: situacija sustava, uzdužni profili, karakteristični presjek rova, detalji kaskadnog i revizijskog okna, detalji ugađenog kaskadnog i revizijskog okna te detalj okna pada sa obilaznim tunelom, crpne stanice, slivnika i separatora ulja i masti.
Abstract (english) This paper presents a project solution for the construction of a public sewage system for both sanitary and stormwater drainage for the settlement of Ćunski, located on the island of Lošinj. The project envisions the construction of a separate sewage system, aiming to divert stormwater and sanitary sewage through two distinct systems. The construction of the sewage system is expected to significantly improve the quality of life and have a substantial impact on environmental protection. Spatial planning documents and information from the Mali Lošinj tourist community were utilized to design the sewage system. The introduction outlines the geographical, climatic, geological, and hydrogeological features of the settlement's location. The spatial planning documentation, which serves as the basis for the project solution, is presented. Subsequently, both the existing and the new drainage systems are described. The entire construction process is detailed, from trench excavation and installation of all sewage network components to backfilling and system commissioning. The characteristics and installation methods for all sewage system elements are thoroughly detailed. The software "Urbano Canalis 10," developed by StudioARS d.o.o., was used for creating a site plan of the new sewage system and conducting hydraulic calculations. Based on network object data, static calculations for collectors, pump station dimensioning, and pump chamber design were conducted. Using excavation data obtained from "Urbano Canalis 10," along with information about materials and transport, an approximate cost estimate was compiled. The paper concludes with graphical attachments illustrating: the system layout, longitudinal profiles, a characteristic trench cross-section, details of cascade and inspection chambers, details of adjusted cascade and inspection chambers, and a detail of a chute with a bypass tunnel, pumping stations, drains, and oil and grease separators.
razdjelni sustav
Urbano Canalis 10
sanitarne vode
oborinske vode
Keywords (english)
separate system
Urbano Canalis 10
sanitary wastewater
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:157:761588
Study programme Title: University graduate study of Civil Engineering; specializations in: Geotechnical Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, Engineering Modelling of Structures, Structures, Transportation Engineering, Urban Engineering Course: Hydraulic Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni magistar inženjer građevinarstva/sveučilišna magistra inženjerka građevinarstva (sveučilišni magistar inženjer građevinarstva/sveučilišna magistra inženjerka građevinarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2023-10-17 07:37:37