Title Hidraulički odaziv fizičkog modela kosine pri različitim intenzitetima kiše
Title (english) Hydraulic Response of the Physical Slope Model Under Different Rainfall Intensities
Author Rea Škuflić
Mentor Željko Arbanas (mentor)
Mentor Josip Peranić (komentor)
Committee member Vedran Jagodnik (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Josip Peranić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Željko Arbanas (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Civil Engineering (Department of Hydraulic Engineering and Geotechnical Engineering) (Chair of Geotechnical Engineering) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Civil Engineering Geotechnology
Abstract Jedan od važnijih izazova u geotehnici smatra se stabilnost kosina bilo da govorimo o prirodno nastalim ili umjetnim. Prisutnost oborinskih voda tj. njihova infiltracija u tlo uzrokuje povećanje razine podzemne vode kao najčešći uzrok pojave nestabilnosti. U ovom je radu prikazano laboratorijsko ispitivanje na umanjenom modelu klizišta koje je simulirano različitim intenzitetima oborina. Ispitivanje je provedeno na Građevinskom fakultetu u Rijeci u okviru znanstveno-istraživačkog projekta „Fizičko modeliranje ponašanja konstrukcija za sanaciju klizišta u uvjetima statičkih i seizmičkih djelovanja (ModLandRemSS)“. Projekt je financiran od strane Hrvatske zaklade za znanost. U prvom je ciklusu umjetna kosina nagiba 35 stupnjeva načinjena od sitnozrnatog dravskog pijeska prskana umjetnim oborinama prethodno određenog intenziteta u određenom vremenskom periodu trajanja pokusa. U drugom ciklusu intenzitet oborina je pojačan te se bilježe nastale promijene vlažnosti i pornih pritisaka u modelu pomoću mjerne opreme. U trećem ciklusu, intenzitet oborina ponovo se povećava prateći nastale promjene u mjerenjima. U zadnjem četvrtom ciklusu intenzitet se smanjuje na onaj iznos iz početnog tj. prvog ciklusa kako bi se mogle usporediti nastale promijene te utjecaj istih na model. Rezultati ispitivanja detaljno su opisani u nastavku ovog rada zajedno sa donesenim zaključcima.
Abstract (english) One of the most important challenges in geotechnics is the stability of slopes, whether we are talking about natural or artificial ones. The presence of rainwater, i.e., its infiltration into the soil, causes an increase in the groundwater level, which is the most common cause of landslides. This paper presents a laboratory test on a reduced landslide model, which was simulated with different perecipitation intensities. The test was conducted at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Rijeka as part of the scientific research project "Physical modeling of the behavior of structures for landslide rehabilitation under static and seismic conditions (ModLandRemSS)". The project was financed by the Croatian Science Foundation. In the first cycle, an artificial slope with a 35-degree slope made of fine-grained Drava sand was sprayed with artificial precipitation of a predetermined intensity for a certain period of time during the experiment. In the second cycle, the intensity of precipitation is increased, and the resulting changes in humidity and pore water pressure in the model are recorded using the chosen measuring equipment. In the third cycle, the intensity of precipitation increases again following the resulting changes in measurements. In the last fourth cycle, the intensity is reduced to the amount from the initial cycle, i.e. the first cycle, in order to be able to compare the impact of the resulting changes on the model. The detailed test results are described in the continuation of this paper together with the conclusions reached.
stabilnost kosina
podzemna voda
porni pritisak
fizikalni model
Keywords (english)
slope stability
pore pressure
physical model
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:157:669073
Project Number: UNIRI-MLADI-TEHNIC-22-62 Title: Istraživanje klizišta uzrokovanih infiltracijom oborina korištenjem fizikalnih i numeričkih modela Title: Investigation of rainfall-infiltration induced landslides using physical and numerical models Acronym: KUIK-FNM Leader: Josip Peranić Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: Sveučilište u Rijeci
Project Number: IPL-2 Title: Landslide Initiation, Evolution and Remediation: Physical and Numerical Modeling Acronym: LIEREM Leader: Željko Arbanas Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: International Consortium on Landslides
Project Number: IPL-256 Title: Istraživanje inicijacije klizišta infiltracijom kiše fizikalnim i numeričkim modeliranjem Title: Investigation of landslide initiation caused by rainfall infiltration using small-scale physical and numerical modeling Acronym: ILIRIM Leader: Josip Peranić Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: International Consortium on Landslides
Project Number: IP-2018-01-1503 Title: Fizičko modeliranje ponašanja konstrukcija za sanaciju klizišta u uvjetima statičkih i seizmičkih djelovanja Title: Physical modelling of landslide remediation constructions behaviour under static and seismic actions Acronym: ModLandRemSS Leader: Željko Arbanas Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: HRZZ Funding stream: IP
Study programme Title: University graduate study of Civil Engineering; specializations in: Geotechnical Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, Engineering Modelling of Structures, Structures, Transportation Engineering, Urban Engineering Course: Geotechnical Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni magistar inženjer građevinarstva/sveučilišna magistra inženjerka građevinarstva (sveučilišni magistar inženjer građevinarstva/sveučilišna magistra inženjerka građevinarstva)
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Created on 2023-10-19 10:41:34