Title Analiza vodnog režima Boljunčice
Title (english) Boljunčica Water Regime Analysis
Author Matko Kotiga
Mentor Josip Rubinić (mentor)
Committee member Elvis Žic (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Goran Volf (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Josip Rubinić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Civil Engineering Rijeka
Defense date and country 2021-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Civil Engineering Hydrotechnology
Abstract U radu su razmatrane opće značajke sliva i toka rijeke Boljunčice, te akumulacije Boljunčica u
Istri. Boljunčica je rijeka bujičnog karaktera smještena u krškom području. Obrađeni su
raspoloživi podaci protoka i vodostaja za mjerne stanice Brus, Katun, brana Letaj, Letaj izlaz i
Čepić, pomoću osnovne statističke obrade podataka, vjerojatnosti pojava, unutargodišnje
raspodjele, analize trendova, učestalosti i trajnosti dnevnih protoka. U radu je analiziran utjecaj
izgradnje akumulacije Boljunčica na vodni režim nizvodno od akumulacije odnosno brane
Letaj. Provedena je usporedba dotoka u akumulaciju i istjecanja iz nje kao prikaz postojanja
gubitka iz zaplavnog prostora. Na temelju podataka iz akumulacije i postaje Čepić, uočava se
trend opadanja maksimalnih vodostaja zbog povećanja kapaciteta ponora u zaplavnom prostoru
akumulacije. Uočava se i problem skupljanja nanosa u zaplavnom prostoru, koji smanjuje
kapacitet akumulacije podizanjem dna akumulacije, te stvaranjem pritisak na branu.
Usporedbom dotoka u akumulaciju i istjecanja iz nje, dobiveni podaci prikazuju da se gotovo
3/4 dotjecale vode izgubi zbog poniranja u zaplavnom prostoru akumulacije. Najnizvodnija
postaja Čepić, nakon izgradnje akumulacije ima protoke reda veličine dvostruko manje u odnosu
na stanje prije izgradnje, ali su protoci u oba razdoblja bili maleni. Srednji protoci vodotoka vrlo
su mali s obzirom na veliku površinu sliva na kome nema zahvaćanja i odvoda voda izvan sliva.
Abstract (english) The paper discusses the general characteristics of the Boljunčica river basin and course, and the
Boljunčica reservoir in Istria. Boljunčica is a torrent river located in the karst area. Available
flow and water level data for measuring stations Brus, Katun, dam Letaj, Letaj output and Čepić
were processed, using basic statistical data processing, probability of occurrence, intra-annual
distribution, analysis of trends, frequency and durability of daily flows. The paper analyzes the
impact of the construction of the Boljunčica reservoir on the water regime downstream of the
reservoir or Letaj dam. A comparison of inflows into the reservoir and outflows from it was
performed to show the existence of loss from the floodplain. Based on the data from the reservoir
and the Čepić station, a trend of decreasing maximum water levels is observed due to the
increase in the capacity of the abyss in the floodplain of the reservoir. There is also a problem
of sediment accumulation in the floodplain, which reduces the capacity of the reservoir by
raising the bottom of the reservoir, and creating pressure on the dam. By comparing inflows into
and outflows from the reservoir, the obtained data show that almost 3/4 of the inflowing water
is lost due to sinking in the floodplain of the reservoir. The lowest upstream station Čepić, after
the construction of the reservoir, has flows of the order of two times smaller than in the state
before construction, but the flows in both periods were small. The average flows of watercourses
are very small due to the large surface of the basin where there is no abstraction and drainage of
water outside the basin.
sliv Boljunčice
vodni režim
hidrološki pokazatelji
Keywords (english)
Boljunčica basin
water regime
hydrological indicator
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:157:193809
Study programme Title: Civil Engineering; specializations in: Building in Coastal Region and Infrastructural Engineering Course: Building in Coastal Region and Infrastructural Engineering Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a specijalist/specijalistica inženjer/inženjerka građevinarstva (stručni/a specijalist/specijalistica inženjer/inženjerka građevinarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2021-10-15 11:06:43