Title Utjecaj HE Lešće na okoliš
Title (english) Impact of HPP Lešće on the Environment
Author Lovro Breka
Mentor Sanja Dugonjić Jovančević (mentor)
Committee member Sanja Dugonjić Jovančević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Civil Engineering (Department of Hydraulic Engineering and Geotechnical Engineering) (Chair of Geotechnical Engineering) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2022-09-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Civil Engineering Geotechnology
Abstract Tema ovog rada je hidroelektrana (HE) Lešće, izvedena kao akumulacijska hidroelektrana s pribranskim postrojenjem na rijeci Dobri, čiji sliv predstavlja vrlo kompleksan ekosustav značajan zbog svoje prirodne ljepote i brojnih biljnih i životinjskih zajednica. Cilj nam je upoznati se s izvedenim varijantnim rješenjem hidroelektrane te analizirati lokaciju i procijeniti mogući utjecaj na okoliš. Rad je koncipiran je kao studija utjecaja na okoliš i uglavnom prati obvezne elemente procjene utjecaja na okoliš. Nakon upoznavanja sa zakonskim okvirom, odnosno stavkama Zakona o zaštiti okoliša i obveznim sadržajem procjene utjecaja na okoliš, rad se bavi opisom lokacije HE Lešće odnosno geološkim, hidrološkim, klimatološkim i biljnim i životinjskim obilježjima. U sljedećem poglavlju obrađuje se opis zahvata, tj. razmatrana varijantna rješenja, a detaljnije je opisano i odabrano varijantno rješenje. Definirani su i mogući utjecaji na okoliš te je analizirana svaka sastavnica okoliša koju štitimo prema Zakonu o zaštiti okoliša, a na koju hidroelektrana može utjecati. Provedenom analizom, zaključuje se da HE Lešće utječe na okoliš, osobito na tlo, vodu i životinjski svijet. Režimom rada hidroelektrane promijenjen je prirodni hidrološki režim i stvaraju se uvjeti pogodni za eroziju obale nizvodno od brane te nastajanje vodnih valova. Promijenjeni uvjeti utječu i na brojne riblje zajednice i turizam, osobito nizvodno od brane. Na kraju su nabrojani i opisani provedeni postupci ublažavanja utjecaja na okoliš, kao i budući postupci koji su u vrijeme izrade ovoga rada bili u fazi razmatranja.
Abstract (english) This thesis presents Lešće hydroelectric power plant, an impoundment facility with a barrage power station, located on the River Dobra whose river basin is well-known for its natural beauty and numerous plant and animal communities. The aim is to introduce the implemented alternative design solution as well as to analyse possible environmental impacts resulting from the construction of the hydroelectric power plant. Since the thesis is conceived as an environmental impact study, most key elements of any environmental impact assessment are discussed. After explaining the legal framework, i.e. the relevant articles of the Environmental Protection Act and the obligatory procedures involved in an environmental impact assessment, the location of Lešće hydroelectric power plant is presented, focusing on its geological, hydrological and climate features as well as the typical plant and animal communities. The next chapter deals with the project itself. The considered alternative design options are described, and a more detailed description of the implemented alternative design solution is given. Potential environmental impacts are defined and the elements of the environment which could be affected by the construction of the hydroelectric power plant and should be protected in accordance with the Act on the Environmental Protection, are analysed. Based on the analysis, it is concluded that Lešće hydroelelctric power plant has a considerable environmental impact, especially on the soil, water and animal ecosystems. The operating conditions of Lešće hydroelectric power plant cause the natural hydrological regime to change. In addition, they create favourable conditions for the river bank erosion downstream of the dam as well as for water wave formation. The modified conditions also affect numerous fish communities and tourism activities in the area, especially downstream of the dam. Finally, different measures already taken in order to reduce the environmental impacts as well as the future actions, that were only under consideration at the time this thesis writing was still in progress, are listed and discussed.
HE Lešće
procjena utjecaja na okoliš
akumulacijska hidroelektrana
masivna gravitacijska brana
sliv rijeke Dobre
Keywords (english)
Lešće hydroelectric powerplant
environmental impact assessment
impoundment hydroelectric powerplant
gravity dam
the River Dobra basin
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:157:681556
Study programme Title: Civil Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka građevinarstva (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka građevinarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-10-03 12:14:14