Title Primjena GIS-a u gospodarenju otpadom
Title (english) Implementation of GIS in waste management
Author Mario Muža
Mentor Nevena Dragičević (mentor)
Committee member Goran Volf (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Barbara Karleuša (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nevena Dragičević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Civil Engineering Rijeka
Defense date and country 2019-07-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Civil Engineering Hydrotechnology
Abstract Gospodarenje otpadom je vrlo složena djelatnost. Povezana sa svim drugim djelatnostima. Otpad nastaje isključivo ljudskom djelatnošću. Pod gospodarenje otpadom ne misli se samo na zbrinjavanje otpada. Gospodarenje otpadom se sastoji od sprječavanja otpada, prikupljanja otpada, transporta otpada, razvrstanja otpada, ponovne oporabe otpada, recikliranja i na samom kraju ciklusa pravilno zbrinjavanje otpada. Postoje mnoge kategorije i podjele otpada. Otpad može biti inertan, neopasna i opasan otpad. Možemo razvrstati otpad prema njegovu porijeklu ili mjestu nastanka. Tada razlikujemo komunalni otpad i industrijski odnosno tehnološki otpad. Komunalni otpad je otpad koji nastaje u kućanstvu ili ima slična svojstva otpadu nastalom u domaćinstvu. Tehnološki otpad nastaje u proizvodnom procesu u industriji, obrtu ili drugim procesima, a po sastavu i svojstvima se razlikuje od komunalnog otpada. Postoje i posebne kategorije otpada. U posebne kategorije otpada ubrajamo tekstil i obuću, građevinski otpad, stare gume, ambalažni otpad, medicinski otpad, električni otpad, metal, plastika i staklo.
Prilikom izrade ovog rada analiziran je sustav prikupljanja komunalnog otpada na području Grada Gline. Pomoću računalnog programa GIS iz prikupljenih podataka napravljena je baza rasporeda prikupljanja otpada. Pomoću modela prikazani su najveći trenutni problemi prikupljanja otpada na području grada. Grad se susreće s problemom prikupljanja otpada u slabo naseljenim i udaljenim naseljima izvan grada. Analizom su dobiveni podatci koji potvrđuju da je isplativost u udaljenima mjestima s manjim brojem stanovnika minimalna, dok gradska područja na kojima na manjoj površini gravira veći broj stanovnika je isplativija. Potvrđeno je da je najisplativiji dan Četvrtak jer se tada komunalni otpad prikuplja po gradskim ulicama, dok je Srijeda najneisplativiji dan u tjednu jer se tada otpad prikuplja na velikoj udaljenosti s malim brojem korisnika.
Abstract (english) Waste management process consists of waste prevention, solid garbage generation, its transportation, sorting and separation. Moreover, it also consists of recycling, reuse of the same waste material, and finally, proper disposal of waste to finish up with the whole waste management cycle. While there are many different waste categorizations and divisions of waste itself, in this project work, the focus is on municipal solid waste characterization. Furthermore, municipal solid waste is the garbage that originates from private homes or apartments. In this graduate thesis, the municipal waste collection system was analyzed in the city of Glina and its suburb areas. With help of ArcGIS computer program, collected information of waste collection process was put into GIS data collection base that was analyzed in the above mentioned area. Based on all of the data, the waste collection system was analyzed and presented on a daily basis scale, as well as the cost effectiveness aspect of it. To conclude, the city is facing the problem of waste collection in the poorly populated and remote settlements outside the city. The analysis provided data is confirming that the profitability in suburb areas with a smaller number of inhabitants is minimal; while urban parts of Glina that have many more people circulating on the smaller areas, are definitely more profitable. The analysis has shown that the most cost-effective and profitable day is Thursday, as municipal waste on that day is being collected in the city streets of urban areas. On the other side, Wednesdays are the most “unpopular” days of the week, as waste on that day is collected at a greater distance with a smaller number of waste management consumers which is resulting in minimal profit.
gospodarenje otpadom
oporaba otpada
recikliranje otpada
komunalni otpad
tehnološki otpad
inertni otpad
neopasni otpad
opasni otpad
posebne kategorije otpada
Keywords (english)
waste management
waste disposal
waste recycling
municipal waste
waste characterization
waste collection
non-hazardous waste
hazardous waste
garbage generation
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:157:026873
Study programme Title: Civil Engineering; specializations in: Geotechnical Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, Engineering Modelling, Structural Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Urban Engineering Course: Hydraulic Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka građevinarstva (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka građevinarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2019-09-25 12:16:45