Title Analiza i usporedba regulativa za projektiranje kolničkih konstrukcija
Title (english) Analysis and comparison of regulations for the flexible pavement design
Author Grga Hobar
Mentor Aleksandra Deluka - Tibljaš (mentor)
Mentor Marijana Cuculić (komentor)
Committee member Sanja Šurdonja (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Cuculić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Aleksandra Deluka - Tibljaš (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Civil Engineering Rijeka
Defense date and country 2019-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Civil Engineering Transportation
Abstract Zadatak ovog diplomskog rada je analiza i usporedba važeće regulative za projektiranje kolničkih konstrukcija u Republici Hrvatskoj i odabranim stranim zemljama. U radu je potrebno izložiti i usporediti norme i smjernice koje se koriste te istaknuti parametre koji su važni za dimenzioniranje kolničke konstrukcije. S obzirom da postoji više vrsta kolničkih konstrukcija naglasak kroz razradu biti će na savitljivim i polukrutim kolničkim konstrukcija iz razloga što su to najčešći sustavi kolnika koji se u današnje vrijeme projektiraju i izvode.
Kako je većina postojeće regulative za projektiranje kolničkih konstrukcija izvedena na temelju pokusa i metoda koji su provedeni u prošlom stoljeću, danas važeće norme također pripadaju iskustvenim (empirijskim) metodama te koriste dijagrame, nomograme i razne tablice preuzete iz obrade podataka dobivenih već navedenim pokusima. Takvi postupci mogu se ocijeniti kvalitetnim i prihvatljivim, no u cilju napretka u korak s vremenom i razvitkom tehnologije od velike važnosti je ulaganje i pridavanje pažnje teorijskom pristupu projektiranju kolničkih konstrukcija.
Osim regulative za projektiranje kolničkih konstrukcija u Republici Hrvatskoj s istaknutom normom za dimenzioniranje savitljivih kolničkih konstrukcija HRN U.C4.012, u radu će se obraditi i regulative sljedećih zemalja: Sjedinjene Američke Države (AASHTO Road Test), Republika Slovenija (TSC 06.520) te Republika Srbija (Priručnik za projektiranje kolničkih konstrukcija iz 2012. godine). Uz analizu i prikaz postupka dimenzioniranja kolničke konstrukcije za svaku zemlju te objašnjenje pojedinih ulaznih i proračunskih parametara koji su potrebni za uspješno dimenzioniranje kolnika, potrebno je izložiti i usporedbu regulative u svrhu uočavanja razlike pri dimenzioniranju u različitim zemljama. Također, nakon analize i usporedbe regulative u radu će se prikazati postupak dimenzioniranja za države u regiji na primjeru državne prometnice D1 s podacima o brojanju prometa na području grada Karlovca, prometnom opterećenju i kategorizaciji po skupinama vozila. U konačnici potrebno je formirati završni komentar na temelju provedene analize i usporedbe regulativa za projektiranje kolničkih konstrukcija.
Abstract (english) The purpose of this diploma thesis is to analyze and compare current regulations for the flexible pavement design in Croatia and selected foreign countries. In this paper, it is necessary to outline and compare the standards and guidelines used including highlight of parameters that are important for designing the pavement structure. Since there are several types of pavement structures, the emphasis will be on flexible and semi-rigid pavement structures, because these are the most common pavement systems that are being designed and constructed today.
As most of the existing regulations for the design of pavement structures are derived from experiments and methods carried out in the last century, the current norms also belong to experiential (empirical) methods and use diagrams, nomograms and various tables taken from the processing of data obtained from the above experiments. Such procedures can be judged to be of good quality and acceptable, but in order to keep pace with the times and the development of technology, it is of great importance to invest and pay attention to a theoretical approach to the design of pavement structures.
Further, besides the regulations for the flexible pavement design in Croatia with a prominent standard for the dimensioning of pavement structures HRN U.C4.012, the regulations of following countries will also be considered in the paper: USA (AASHTO Road Test), Slovenia (TSC 06.520) and Serbia (Pavement Structural Design Manual 2012). In addition to analyzing and presenting the pavement designing process for each country and explaining the specific input and parameters required for successful pavement designing, it is also necessary to outline a comparison of regulations to identify designing differences in different countries. Also, after analyzing and comparing the regulations, the paper will present the designing procedure for countries in the region on the example of the D1 state road with data on traffic counts in the city of Karlovac area, traffic load and categorization by vehicle groups. Ultimately, it is necessary to form a final comment based on the analysis and comparison of regulations for the flexible pavement design.
projektiranje kolničkih konstrukcija
savitljive kolničke konstrukcije
dimenzioniranje kolnika
Keywords (english)
design of pavement structures
flexible pavement design
pavement sizing
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:157:763631
Study programme Title: Civil Engineering; specializations in: Geotechnical Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, Engineering Modelling, Structural Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Urban Engineering Course: Urban Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka građevinarstva (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka građevinarstva)
Type of resource Text
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Created on 2019-10-09 12:31:49