Title Analiza svojstava samoslijegajućeg betona s recikliranim betonskim agregatom
Title (english) Analysis of Self Compacting RCA Concrete Characteristics
Author Emina Imširević
Mentor Silvija Mrakovčić (mentor)
Committee member Natalija Bede Odorčić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Neira Torić Malić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Silvija Mrakovčić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Civil Engineering (Department of Computer Modeling of Materials and Structures) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2022-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Civil Engineering Supporting Structures
Abstract U građevinskoj industriji, upotrebom recikliranog betonskog agregata za proizvodnju betona otvara se niz mogućnosti vezanih uz ponovnu upotrebu materijala. Ovo bi mogao biti veliki korak za čovječanstvo u nastojanjima da se potakne održivi razvoj. S godinama trend korištenja recikliranog agregata raste kao potencijalno rješenje gomilanja otpadnog građevinskog materijala, ne zaboravljajući paralelni trend poboljšanja kvalitete konačnog proizvoda. Smanjenje rezervi prirodnih resursa, drastično povećanje cijena skladištenja građevinskog materijala i nedostatak lokacija za skladištenje su upravo razlozi nastanka ovakvog trenda. Cjelokupno poznavanje karakteristika novog materijala, kao što je samoslijegajući beton sa recikliranim betonskim agregatom, od presudne je važnosti kako bi se mogli istaknuti i iskoristiti stvarne mogućnosti materijala. Dosadašnja vrlo uspješna istraživanja i praktična primjena općenito betona s recikliranim agregatom ukazuje na vrlo uspješnu upotrebu ovakvog betona za konstrukcijske elemente. U radu su prikazana dosadašnja istraživanja i saznanja o samoslijegajućim betonima s recikliranim betonskim agregatom na osnovi istraživanja u široj regiji i diljem svijeta . Provedeno je i vlastito istraživanje kako bi se doprinijelo opravdanosti upotrebe ove vrste betona. Provedena ispitivanja izvršena su na samoslijegajućem betonu s različitim postotnim udjelima recikliranog betonskog agregata. Na potpuno jednak način su izrađeni i njegovani uzorci od betonskih mješavina sa 30 % i 50 % recikliranog betonskog agregata. Ispitivanja koja su provedena vezana su uz svojstva svježeg i očvrslog betona, a to su: sposobnost tečenja, viskoznost i sposobnost zaobilaženja prepreka svježeg betona te tlačna i vlačna čvrstoća, plinopropusnost, vodopropusnost i otpornost na habanje očvrsnulog betona. Rezultati ispitivanja su uspoređeni s rezultatima ispitivanja referentne betonske mješavine od 100 % prirodnog agregata. Na temelju analize rezultata izvedeni su zaključci na kraju rada.
Abstract (english) In the construction industry, the use of recycled concrete aggregate for the production of concrete opens up a number of possibilities related to the reuse of materials. This could be a big step for humanity in its efforts to promote sustainable development. Over the years, the trend of using recycled aggregate grows as a potential solution to the accumulation of waste construction material, not forgetting the parallel trend of improving the quality of the final product. The reduction of reserves of natural resources, the drastic increase in the price of storage of building materials and the lack of locations for storage are precisely the reasons for the emergence of this trend. A comprehensive knowledge of the characteristics of a new material, such as self-compacting concrete with recycled concrete aggregate, is of crucial importance in order to highlight and utilize the material's real potential. So far, very successful research and practical application of concrete with recycled aggregate in general indicates a very successful use of this type of concrete for structural elements. The paper presents previous research and knowledge about self-compacting concrete with recycled concrete aggregate based on research in the wider region and around the world. Our own research was also carried out in order to contribute to the justification of the use of this type of concrete. The tests were performed on self-compacting concrete with different percentages of recycled concrete aggregate. Treated samples of concrete mixes with 30% and 50% recycled concrete aggregate were made in exactly the same way. The tests that were conducted are related to the properties of fresh and hardened concrete, namely: flowability, viscosity and ability to bypass obstacles of fresh concrete, and compressive and tensile strength, gas permeability, water permeability and wear resistance of hardened concrete. The test results were compared with the test results of the reference concrete mix of 100% natural aggregate. Based on the analysis of the results, conclusions were drawn at the end of the paper.
reciklirani betonski agregat
samoslijegajući beton
samoslijegajući beton s recikliranim betonskim agregatom
građevinski otpad
mehanička svojstva
trajnosna svojstva
Keywords (english)
recycled concrete aggregate
self-compacting concrete
self-compacting concrete with recycled concrete aggregate
construction waste
mechanical properties
permanent properties
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:157:862101
Project Number: UNIRI CLASS A3-21-6 Title: Unaprjeđenje modela stjecanja stručnih kompetencija učenjem uz rad kroz izradu diplomskog rada (GraDiS) Acronym: GraDiS Leader: Silvija Mrakovčić Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: Sveučilište u Rijeci
Study programme Title: Civil Engineering; specializations in: Geotechnical Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, Engineering Modelling, Structural Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Urban Engineering Course: Structural Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka građevinarstva (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka građevinarstva)
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Created on 2022-11-03 11:53:09