Title Primjena prometnih mikrosimulacija na primjeru analize sezonskog kolebanja prometa u Gradu Opatiji
Title (english) Application of Traffic Microsimulations on the Example of Analysis of Seasonal Traffic Fluctuations in the City of Opatija
Author Edin Fatić
Mentor Aleksandra Deluka - Tibljaš (mentor)
Mentor Irena Ištoka Otković (komentor)
Committee member Sanja Šurdonja (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Irena Ištoka Otković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Aleksandra Deluka - Tibljaš (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Civil Engineering (Department of Transportation engineering, Construction Organization and Technology and Architecture) (Chair of Transportation engineering) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2022-11-21, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Civil Engineering
Abstract Zbog povećanja stupnja motorizacije i broja putovanja po osobi dolazi do potrebe za što boljim prometnim sustavima u cijelosti. U prometnim sustavima ne postoji loše rješenje, međutim potrebno je izabrati ono rješenja gdje je sigurnost prometa najveća uz što veću protočnost prometa. Kasno je reagirati kada se rješenje izvede i kao takvo implementira u prometni sustav. Prometna rješenja bi se prije samog izvođenja trebala provjeriti funkcioniraju li i dati im ocjenu uspješnosti funkcioniranja u prometnom sustavu, Danas je razvijen veliki broj mikrosimulacijskih i makrosimulacijskih računalnih programa koji nam pokušavaju mikrosimulacijski program Vissim. Program radi na principu simulacijskog modela stohastičke naravi što znači da za iste ulazne podatke, rezultati koje program daje su uvijek različiti. Opatija je turistička destinacija u kojoj se turizam proteže kroz cijelu godinu, iako najviše turista je posjeti tijekom ljetnih mjeseci. Za promet u Opatiji to znači da se očekuje veliki broj motornih vozila koji prolaze i/ili ostaju u gradu u ljetnim mjesecima. Zbog nedostatka parkirnih mjesta, sigurnosti nemotoriziranih sudionika u prometu te zbog umirivanja prometa u samom centru grada, ideja je samo u ljetnim mjesecima promet organizirati na način da se cesta, Ulica Maršala Tita pretvori u cestu s jednosmjernim prometom. Reorganizacijom prometa u Ulici Maršala Tita nastaje problem na Novoj Cesti. Cilj rada je provjeriti kako Nova cesta – u ovome slučaju 2. koridor, funkcionira uz dodatno prometno opterećenje preuzeto s prvog dužobalnog koridora – Ulice Maršala Tita. Rezultati pokazuju da se s nekoliko intervencija u prometni sustav (dodavanje traka za skretanje, semaforizacija raskrižja...), mogu dobiti znatno bolji rezultati na Novoj cesti gledajući razinu uslužnosti na raskrižjima, duljinu putovanja i slično. Korištenje mikrosimulacijskih programa pokazalo se kao dobro rješenje u pri evaluaciji funkcioniranja prometnog sustava prije samog izvođenja promjena u njemu. Zaključak rada je da bi se reorganizacijom prometa u ljetnim mjesecima dobio sigurniji i mirniji promet u centru grada, više parkirnih mjesta, ali bi se na Novoj cesti mogli očekivati veći zastoji i sporije odvijanje prometa nego do sada. Izgradnjom 3. koridora, Liburnijske obilaznice, koji bi Opatijsko područje rasteretio tranzitnog prometa riješili bi se svi problemi u prometnom sustavu grada te bi se isti rasteretio u velikoj mjeri.
Abstract (english) Due to the increase in the degree of motorization and the number of trips per person, there is a need for better transport systems in their entirety. There is no such thing as a bad solution in traffic systems, however, it is necessary to choose the solution where traffic safety is the highest with the greatest traffic flow. It is too late to react when the solution is implemented and implemented as such in the traffic system. Traffic solutions should be checked before their implementation to see if they work and give them an evaluation of the success of functioning in the traffic system. Today, a large number of microsimulation and macrosimulation computer programs have been developed that try to show us the effectiveness of traffic solutions as best as possible. One of these is the microsimulation program Vissim. The program works on the principle of a stochastic simulation model, which means that for the same input data, the results the program gives are always different. Opatija is a tourist destination where tourism extends throughout the whole year, although most tourists visit it during the summer months. For traffic in Opatija, this means that a large number of motor vehicles are expected to pass through and/or stay in the city in the summer months. Due to the lack of parking spaces, the safety of non-motorized road users and traffic calming in the city center, the idea is to organize traffic only in the summer months in such a way that the road, Ulica Maršala Tita, turns into a one-way road. The reorganization of traffic in Ulica Maršala Tita creates a problem on Nova cesta. The aim of the work is to show how the Nova cesta - in this case the 2nd corridor, functions with additional traffic load taken over from the first long-shore corridor – Ulica Maršala Tita. The results show that with several interventions in the traffic system (adding turning lanes, traffic lights at intersections, etc.), significantly better results can be obtained on Nova cesta, looking at the level of service at intersections, the length of trips, and the like. The use of microsimulation programs proved to be a good solution for evaluating the functioning of the traffic system before making changes in it. The conclusion of the work is that the reorganization of traffic in the summer months would result in safer and calmer traffic in the city center, more parking spaces, but greater congestion and slower traffic flow than before could be expected on Nova cesta. The construction of the 3rd corridor, the Liburnian bypass, which would relieve the Opatija area of transit traffic, would solve all the problems in the city's transport system and relieve it to a large extent.
prometna mikrosimulacija
prometno opterećenje
prometni sustav
razina uslužnosti
Keywords (english)
traffic microsimulation
traffic load
traffic system
level of service (LOS)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:157:318561
Study programme Title: Civil Engineering; specializations in: Geotechnical Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, Engineering Modelling, Structural Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Urban Engineering Course: Urban Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka građevinarstva (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka građevinarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2022-12-12 08:29:15