Title Regulacija vodotoka Gerovčica nizvodno od Zamosta do utoka u rijeku Čabranku
Title (english) Regulation of the River Gerovčica Downstream From Zamost to the Inlet in River Čabranka
Author Luka Arih
Mentor Nevenka Ožanić (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Sušanj Čule (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Bojana Horvat (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nevenka Ožanić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Civil Engineering (Department of Hydraulic Engineering and Geotechnical Engineering) (Chair of Hydraulic Engineering) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Civil Engineering Hydrotechnology
Abstract U predmetnom se diplomskom radu, odnosno projektnom rješenju prikazuje izvedba regulacije jednog dijela „donjeg“ toka vodotoka Gerovčice, rječice smještene kod naselja Zamost u Gorskom kotaru. U radu je obrađena izvedba same regulacije kroz svu potrebnu nacrtnu dokumentaciju, hidrauličke i sve ostale potrebne proračune i dimenzioniranja. Sam je rad koncipiran u nekoliko cjelina kojima je obuhvaćena kompletna izvedba projektnog rješenja. Prva cjelina obuhvaća tekstualni dio, odnosno tehnički opis podijeljen u nekoliko poglavlja. Najprije se u uvodnom dijelu daju osnovne informacije o lokaciji, vodotoku i zatečenom stanju, zatim se analiziraju potencijalni problemi, kako na samom vodotoku tako i pri izradi projektnog rješenja. Na kraju tekstualnog dijela daje se prijedlog projektnog rješenja. Nakon tekstualnog dijela slijedi hidraulički proračun putem kojega je dimenzionirano korito buduće regulacije. Određene su dubina vode, širina kanala, brzine, nagibi bočnih zidova te svi ostali potrebni parametri. Također, proračunata su nadvišenja u krivinama te vučne sile. Na kraju je proračunata i stepenica koja se planira izvesti zajedno sa preljevom i slapištem. U slijedećoj se cjelini provodi statički proračun spomenute stepenice sa svim potrebnim provjerama. Svi navedeni i predviđeni radovi, pod čim se podrazumijevaju pripremni radovi, radovi na uređenju vodotoka, izrada objekta na vodotoku te završni radovi, uvedeni su i objašnjeni u troškovniku na temelju kojega je dana aproksimativna cijena cijelog projekta. Nakon trošovnika tablično su iskazane mase, odnosno količine iskopa i nasipa potrebnih za izradu planirane regulacije. Sve nabrojeno i spomenuto naposljetku je sintetizirano u zaključku ovog rada. Također, cijelo projektno rješenje prikazano je kroz detaljnu nacrtnu dokumentaciju koju sačinjavaju situacijski prikaz, uzdužni presjek cijele trase regulacije, karakteristični profili te 34 poprečna profila duž trase regulacije. Uza sve navedeno nacrtno je prikazan i zaključni objekt, odnosno stepenica sa slapištem, u presjecima, tlocrtu i nacrtu.
Abstract (english) This degree essay which is actually a project solution, presents the construction of the regulation of lower flow of the Gerovčica, a small river situated near Zamost, a village in the region of Gorski kotar. The essay describes the construction of the regulation with all the necessary blueprints, hydraulic and other calculations and dimensionings required. The essay is divided in several parts that step by step include the execution of the complete project solution. The first part is a textual one, it is actually a techical description divided into several chapters. The introductory part gives the basic information on the location, watercourse and the state found. Next, the potential problems of the watercourse itself and the making of the project solution are analyzed. At the end of the textual part, a suggestion of the project solution is given. After the textual part, there is the hydraulic calculation with which the riverbed of the future regulation is dimensioned. The water depth, the canal width, velocities, the tilts of the side walls and all other necesarry parameters are determined. Also, the cambers in curves and the traction forces are calculated. Lastly, the planned stair with overflow and waterfall is also calculated. In the following part, the static calculation of the stair mentioned is made with all the necessary checkouts. All the works described and planned, which impliy preparatory works, works on the watercourse, construction of objects on the watercourse and final works, are put into the cost sheet in which the approximate cost of the project is given. After the cost sheet, there is a tabular presentation of the masses and the amounts of excavation and embankments required for the realization of the planned regulation. Everything mentioned and listed is synthesized in the conclusion of this essay. Also, the complete project solution is presented in detailed blueprints which include situation overview, longitudinal section of the whole route of the regulation, characteristic profiles and 34 transverse profiles along the route of the regulation. There is also the blueprint of the final object, ie the section, the ground plan and the draft of the stair with the waterfall.
hidraulički proračun
regulacijska linija
Keywords (english)
the Gerovčica
hydraulic calculation
regulation line
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:157:034870
Project Number: uniri-tehnic-18-54 Title: Hidrologija vodnih resursa i identifikacija rizika od poplava i blatnih tokova na krškom području Title: HIDROLOGY OF WATER RESOURCES AND RISKS IDENTIFICATION FROM FLOODS AND MUD FLOWS IN THE KARST AREA Leader: Nevenka Ožanić Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: NadSve Funding stream: Sveučilište u Rijeci
Study programme Title: University graduate study of Civil Engineering; specializations in: Geotechnical Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, Engineering Modelling of Structures, Structures, Transportation Engineering, Urban Engineering Course: Hydraulic Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni magistar inženjer građevinarstva/sveučilišna magistra inženjerka građevinarstva (sveučilišni magistar inženjer građevinarstva/sveučilišna magistra inženjerka građevinarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2023-10-05 10:39:43