Title Vojarna Karlo Rojc - prijedlog prenamjene za javnu funkciju
Title (english) Karlo Rojc Military Barracks - proposal for a conversion into a public function
Author Tea Butković
Mentor Nana Palinić (mentor)
Committee member Adriana Bjelanović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Franković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nana Palinić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Civil Engineering Rijeka
Defense date and country 2020-09-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Architecture and Urbanism History and Theory of Architecture and Protection of the Architectural Heritage
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Architecture and Urbanism Architectural Design
Abstract Na početku 19. stoljeća Pula je malo ribarsko mjesto sa manje od 1000 stanovnika. Kroz godine grad je mijenjao svoj status pa se je tako od malenog gradića razvio u glavnu ratnu luku Austro-Ugarske Monarhije. Širenjem grada povećava se i broj stanovnika pa samim time napreduje i gradnja. Razvijaju se nove gradske četvrti, grade se objekti za smještaj vojske i vojnog osoblja, ali i razni objekti javne namjene poput Mornaričkog kazina, Mornaričke bolnice ili Jaht kluba. U novim gradskim četvrtima
... More smještena su i dva velika parka. Kako bi Mornarica bila što uspješnija te imala dovoljan broj kvalificiranih radnika, Austro-Ugarska Monarhija oko 1870. godine gradi Strojarsku školu podno brda Monte Zaro. Zgrada kroz godine mijenja svoj izgled, ali i funkciju. Od Strojarske škole, kasarne, škole za pitomce, vojarne, pretvara se u izbjeglički kamp te gubi svu svoju ljepotu. Na poslijetku 1998. godine Grad Pula preuzima brigu o objektu i u njega smješta razne udruge. Danas je zgrada Drušvenog Centra Karlo Rojc jedan od posjećenijih objekata od strane mladih u gradu. Projektom prenamjene nastoji se revitalizirati zgradu te promjenom namjene vratiti njezin nekadašnji izgled i ukazati na to koliko je njezina funkcija gradu značila kroz godine. Projektom se predviđa prenamjena kompletnog objekta sa unutarnjim dvorištem te dio vanjskog zajedničkog prostora. Studentski stanovi, kao buduća nova namjena, locirani na toj poziciji, dali bi studentima slobodu i mogućnost zajedničkog druženja i okupljanja na jednom mjestu. Uređenjem i saniranjem vojarne Karlo Rojc, kao i dijela okoliša, cijelo bi područje dobilo na vrijednosti te pokazalo svoju izvornu ljepotu. Less
Abstract (english) At the beginning of the 19th century Pula was a small fishing village with less than 1000 inhabitants. Over the years, the city changed its status, so it developed from a small town into the main war port of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. With the expansion of the city, the number of inhabitants also increases, so construction progresses over time. New city districts are being developed, facilities for accommodating the army and military personnel are being built, as well as various public
... More facilities such as the Naval Casino, the Naval Hospital or the Yacht Club. There are also two large parks in the new city districts. In order for the Navy to be as successful as possible with a sufficient number of skilled workers, the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy around 1870 built the School of Mechanical Engineering at the foot of Mount Monte Zaro. The building changes its appearance and function throughout the year. From a mechanical school, a barracks, a cadet school, a barracks, it turns into a refugee camp and loses all its beauty. At the end of 1998, the City of Pula took care of the facility and housed various associations. Today, the building of the Karlo Rojc Social Center is one of the facilities visited by young people in the city. The conversion project seeks to revitalize the building and change its name to restore its former appearance and point out how much its function has gradually meant over the years. The project envisages the conversion of the entire building with an inner courtyard and an outer common space. Student apartments, as a future new purpose, located in that position, would give students the freedom and opportunity to socialize and gather in one place. By arranging and renovating the Karlo Rojc barracks, as well as part of the environment, the whole area gained in values that showed their original beauty. Less
19. stoljeće
Vojarna Karlo Rojc
studentski stanovi
Keywords (english)
19th century
Karlo Rojc Barracks
student apartments
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:157:985915
Study programme Title: Civil Engineering; specializations in: Geotechnical Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, Engineering Modelling, Structural Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Urban Engineering Course: Urban Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka građevinarstva (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka građevinarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-12-07 12:56:15