Title BIM u projektiranju mostova
Title (english) BIM in bridge design
Author Dominik Šanko
Mentor Neira Torić Malić (mentor)
Committee member Silvija Mrakovčić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Natalija Bede (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Neira Torić Malić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Civil Engineering Rijeka
Defense date and country 2021-07-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Civil Engineering Supporting Structures
Abstract U ovom diplomskom radu su prikazane mogućnosti primjene BIM tehnologije u građevinarstvu i njihov značaj u tom području. BIM predstavlja vrstu tehnologije koja se pojavila u području građevine u posljednjih desetak godina, a za cilj ima ubrzati, olakšati, optimizirati i uskladiti sve faze projektiranja i životnog vijeka konstrukcije te povezati različite discipline uključene u izradu projekta. U okviru rada je projektiran i analiziran model stvarnog mosta u programu AllPlan Bridge koji omogućava parametarsko modeliranje konstrukcije mosta i generiranje analitičkog modela koji služi za daljnji proračun. Parametarsko modeliranje olakšava postupak modeliranja iz razloga što je unos podataka ubrzan i olakšan u odnosu na trenutni projektni pristup, dok je postupak statičke analize također vrlo interaktivan i omogućuje korekcije koje su u istom trenutku vidljive svakom sudioniku projekta. U radu je modeliran i analiziran južni most Rječina koji predstavlja gredni statički sustav preko tri raspona od 50, 108,5 i 50 metara, ukupne duljine od 208,5 metara. Poprečni presjek mosta je sandučasti promjenjivih dimenzija duž cijele duljine mosta, dok su kosi stupovi na koje se oslanja pravokutnog sandučastog presjeka s linearnim prirastom širine i visine presjeka. Modelirani su i svi ostali elementi mosta kao što su kabeli za prednapinjanje te rubnjaci, revizijska staza i pješačku ogradu te nosive elemente poput kabela za prednapinjanje. Model mosta je opterećen vlastitom težinom, prometnim opterećenjem, temperaturnim djelovanjem, djelovanjem vjetra prema Eurokodu. Konačan digitalni model mosta vjerno predstavlja njegovu geometriju i uvjete opterećenja, dok statički proračun omogućuje grafički i tablični prikaz unutarnjih sila i deformacija. Na primjeru mosta Rječina je prikazan tijek i postupak izrade projekta mosta primjenom BIM tehnologije, kao i njegove prednosti. Na primjerima lučnog i ovješenog mosta prikazani su izazovi modeliranja različitih tipova mostovnih konstrukcija.
Abstract (english) Master thesis aims to show the meaning and possibilities offered by using BIM technology in civil engineering. BIM shows the type of technnology which recently emerged in the field of civil engineering while its goal is to make all phases of a construction's design life faster, easier and optimised while connecting various disciplines involved in the project. Within this thesis, a real-life model of a bridge was designed and analysed in AllPlan Bridge. This software's goal parametric modeling and generation of an analytical model of a bridge which is used for later design checks. Parametric modeling makes modeling process easier because data input is faster and easier in comparison to the current design approach, while the process of statics analysis is very interactive within the programme and allows the user to make corrections which are immediately available to all parties of a project. The bridge that was modeled is the south Rječina bridge which is a beam bridge system over three spans of 50 + 108,5 + 50 meters which is a total of 208,5 meters. Cross section of the bridge is a hollow box with height and thickness variations along the lenghth of the bridge, while the piers are a rectangular hollow box with linear height variations. Other bridge elements such as the kerb or the barrier as well as prestressed tension cables. The loads on the bridge are selfweight, traffic loads, temperature loads, and wind loads according to Eurocode. Completed bridge model is a good representation of its geometry while the statics analysis allows for a visual and numerical representation of internal forces and deformations (graphs and tables). Two other examples of bridges have been modeled – an arch bridge and a suspension bridge – for which all the specifics of modeling were shown.
AllPlan Bridge
parametarsko modeliranje
gredni most
projektiranje mostova
statička analiza mosta
Keywords (english)
AllPlan Bridge
parametric modeling
beam bridge
bridge design
statics analysis of a bridge
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:157:252512
Study programme Title: Civil Engineering; specializations in: Geotechnical Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, Engineering Modelling, Structural Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Urban Engineering Course: Structural Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka građevinarstva (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka građevinarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-07-22 10:39:17