Abstract | U okviru ovog diplomskog rada predstavit će se metode SfM fotogrametrije i TLS-a, pomoću kojih će se prikupiti trodimenzionalne informacije o topografiji terena plaže Crnej u gradu Rijeci. Demonstrirana je primjena tehnologija UAV-SfM, SfM iz ruke i TLS u priobalnom području te su izvršena dva snimanja s vremenskim razmakom od 4 mjeseca. Uz pomoć softverskih paketa CloudCompare, Agisoft Metashape, FARO Scene, AutoCAD i QGIS u radu su temeljito objašnjeni procesi generiranja, obrade i analize oblaka točaka, DEM modela, ortofoto snimki, poprečnih presjeka te promjene visina u modelima. Dodatno, rad opisuje i postupak georeferenciranja generiranih oblaka točaka, što je ključno kako bi se omogućila njihova integracija i daljnja analiza. Nadalje, izvršena je detaljna usporedba presjeka generiranih iz oblaka točaka i DEM koja obuhvaća istraživanje presjeka dobivenih korištenjem UAV-SfM metode, TLS metode i metode SfM iz ruke. Također, rad se bavi ispitivanjem preciznosti primijenjenih metoda snimanja putem UAV-SfM i TLS te analizom promjena visina kroz vrijeme koje su detektirane metodama snimanja UAV-SfM i SfM iz ruke, s ciljem prikaza mogućnosti preciznog određivanja količine materijala. Naposljetku, razmotrene su prednosti i ograničenja UAV-SfM, SfM iz ruke i TLS metode te je istaknut značaj 3D modela u kontekstu unaprjeđenja procesa projektiranja i efikasnog upravljanja priobalnim područjima. |
Abstract (english) | Within the scope of this master's thesis, methods of SfM photogrammetry and TLS will be presented, through which three-dimensional information about the topography of Crnej Beach in the city of Rijeka will be collected. The application of UAV-SfM, hand-held SfM, and TLS technologies in the coastal area will be demonstrated, with two separate surveys conducted with a 4-month interval. Utilizing software packages such as CloudCompare, Agisoft Metashape, FARO Scene, AutoCAD, and QGIS, the thesis thoroughly explains the processes of generating, processing, and analyzing point clouds, DEMs, orthophoto images, cross-sections, and height changes in models. Furthermore, the thesis describes the georeferencing procedure for the generated point clouds, which is crucial for their integration and further analysis. Moreover, a detailed comparison of cross-sections generated from point clouds and DEM is carried out, encompassing an investigation of cross-sections obtained through the use of UAV-SfM, TLS, and hand-held SfM methods. The research also addresses the examination of the accuracy of the applied surveying methods via UAV-SfM and TLS, along with the analysis of height changes over time detected by UAV-SfM and hand-held SfM methods, aimed at illustrating the potential for precise material volume determination. Finally, the advantages and limitations of UAV-SfM, hand-held SfM, and TLS methods are considered, emphasizing the significance of 3D models in improving the design process and efficient management of coastal areas. |
Study programme | Title: University graduate study of Civil Engineering; specializations in: Geotechnical Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, Engineering Modelling of Structures, Structures, Transportation Engineering, Urban Engineering Course: Hydraulic Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni magistar inženjer građevinarstva/sveučilišna magistra inženjerka građevinarstva (sveučilišni magistar inženjer građevinarstva/sveučilišna magistra inženjerka građevinarstva) |